Dubai, 9 Nov 2016 – On Nov 9, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, officially opened The Big 5 Construct Indonesia 2016, as part of Indonesia Infrastructure Week (IIW) 2016, the largest gathering of infrastructure stakeholders and decision makers in the country. The Minister of National Planning Development, Bambang Brodjonegoro, who also attended the opening ceremony, welcomed the event acknowledging the need for the private sector to contribute to Indonesia’s development.
Taking place from 9 to 11 November at the Jakarta Convention Centre, The Big 5 Construct Indonesia 2016 and the co-located Konstruksi Indonesia 2016 host over 300 manufacturers from more than 25 countries, including Germany, Italy, Turkey and China, displaying the latest and most innovative solutions for the built environment.
The Big 5 Construct Indonesia hosts many new exhibitors and product launches this year. Acrow Misr, Alcubond, BMW, Durkee America, Hoffman, Insutech, JCB, Kirby, Leica, Pedax and Robert Bosch are just some of the world renowned companies visitors can meet at the event. For the first time at The Big 5 Construct Indonesia, multinational company ALUCOBOND® is presenting unique applications using its materials, while Ilet Pte ltd is launching the world’s first floor drain cover that mitigates smell and insects, while saving water at the show.
More than just an exhibition, The Big 5 Construct Indonesia 2016 offers 20+ CPD certified and free to attend workshops, providing insights into challenges and opportunities facing the country’s construction industry. Workshops from the Association of Architects in Indonesia (IAI), The Indonesia Association of Precast and Prestress Companies (AP3I), and the National Contractors Association of Indonesia (GAPENSI) are also running alongside the show, making The Big 5 Construct Indonesia the perfect platform for participants to upskill in the latest construction related topics.
On the second day of the event (10 November) at 4:00 pm, as part of its broad educational offer, The Big 5 Construct Indonesia 2016 hosts Budihartono Wijanto, Director PT at Wiratman & Associates, presenting a workshop on “Future Trends in Designing High-rise Multi Tower Buildings in Indonesia”. According to Mr. Wijanto, overpopulation is leading to the development of many satellite townships around big Indonesian cities, creating brand new urbanised areas.
“Nowadays, the number one priority for people living in a metropolis such as Jakarta is effortless, simple and convenient access to their daily activities. A ‘Superblock’ (a building with multiple towers connected by a large diaphragm podium), consisting of offices, residences, entertainment, shopping facilities and many more facilities, can be the answer to citizens’ needs,” Mr. Wijanto says. “People do not want to waste their time and spend too much effort travelling across the city to reach their destination. Therefore, the most important trend in building today and in the future is the development of superblocks.”
Visitors to The Big 5 Construct Indonesia 2016 can attend for free the CPD-certified workshop unveiling trends and demands in vertical high-rise multi tower buildings. “Based on our experience in designing a superblock, we found several critical points in the analysis and design of this future building trend. For example, our fellow industry stakeholders must carefully consider the requirements of the recent seismic code for buildings in Indonesia (SNI 1726 – 2012), as well as the analysis and design of Superblocks’ diaphragm in order to build more reliable structural superblock buildings,” Mr. Wijanto adds.
Organised by dmg events Middle East, Asia & Africa, The Big 5 Construct Indonesia 2016 in conjunction with Konstruksi Indonesia 2016 is expected to attract 10,000 visitors as part of Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2016. Five leading events come together to provide end-to-end solutions accross Indonesia’s critical national infrastructure at IIW 2016 until 11 November: The Big 5 Construct Indonesia, Konstruksi Indonesia, Airport Solutions Indonesia, Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference & Exhibition, and Expo Comm Indonesia. Hosted by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), IIW 2016 gathers more than 600 exhibitors from 37 countries showcasing various latest products and innovative technology available for the construction and infrastructure sector.
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